Questions and Answers

1.)    Why does your church need a web site?

According to a December 2000 report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, who surveyed over 1,000 churches:   

  • 83% of those responding to our survey say that their use of the Internet has helped congregational life
  • 81% say the use of email by ministers, staffs, and congregation members has helped the spiritual life of the congregation
  • 91% say email has helped congregation members and members of the staff stay more in touch with each other
  • 63% say email has helped the congregation connect more to the surrounding community
Outreach: Most people moving to a new area are now using the Internet to locate a new church in their area. Additionally, you have the opportunity to spread your world to the entire world.  

2.)    Why can't someone from the church do the page?  Why do we need an outside source to create the page?

Churches that have members with the knowledge required to build and maintain a website should always use the church member to create and maintain the page.  The website is a ministry of the church.  It is always best to encourage church members to find areas of ministry.  

The purpose of our service is to provide a basic web page for the church that does not have a member who can create and maintain the website. When you use our service, you will have a completed web page.  The page will not say 'under construction.'  The page we create will be informative and is another way to create outlets of ministry for your church.

3.)    How much does the service cost?

The yearly cost is $750.00 for the basic service.  The basic service includes up to five e-mail addresses for your paid or volunteer staff.  Additional e-mail addresses can be created for the cost of $15.00 each.   The basic service includes the following pages:   a Home Page, About Us Page, Ministries Page, Contact Us Tab, and an additional page.  The additional page could be a directions page, a page explaining how to become a Christian, or a links page to additional resources.  Click here to see an example of a links page. 

The cost of additional pages beyond those listed in the basic service is:

Links Page $50.00 Per year
Salvation Page $50.00 Per year
Directions Page $50.00 Per year
Calendar of Events See question five
Audio Sermons Page See question five

4.)    How often will the page be updated?

The page will be updated once a quarter.  We will contact you each quarter and ask for any changes you would like made to your page.  Please note:   We can be flexible with this and will assist you with earlier updates; however, the purpose of our service is to provide the church a simple web page that does not need to be updated often.  If you have a change such as a staff change or change in meeting time before the quarterly update, we would be glad to change this for you at no cost.  

5.)    What about a calendar of events page or audio sermons page?  

We can create a calendar of events page.  We will need to determine how often you wish to update this type of page.  The cost of adding this type of page will be determined by how often it is updated.  If you only want to update it quarterly, it could be the additional page we referencd in question 3.  

An audio sermons page can be created and updated weekly.  Your church will need to record the sermon off of the soundboard.  This can be done using the tape out on your boad.  The tape out should be connected to a CD recorder.  Once the sermon is put on a CD, it can either be e-mailed to me and updated or the CD can be mailed and I will use the CD to update the page.  Because this service is very time consuming, the montly fee is $100.00.   One option you might consider is putting one sermon on your About Us page.  I would be glad to do this as part of the $750.00 package and would be glad to change it for your quarterly at no additonal cost.

6.)    Who am I and why am I doing this?  

My name is Kyle Ziglar.  I am the Minister of Music and Education at Concord Baptist in Calera, AL. I am currently going to seminary and seeking my Master's in Christian Leadership.  I am doing this service to help finance my education.  

I maintain the website at our church.   It is a great OUTREACH tool.  Many people who move to our city find our church over the internet.  We post our web address on our sign outside and on anything we publish.  
